Coalition of Independents holds protest over illegal immigration

02, Feb 2023

Coalition of Independents leader Lincoln Bain at the protest in Rawson Square. Photo: Moise Amisial

Coalition of Independents leader Lincoln Bain at the protest in Rawson Square. Photo: Moise Amisial


Tribune Staff Reporter

[email protected]

MEMBERS of the Coalition of Independents protested outside the House of Assembly Wednesday over what they deem an immigration crisis, narrowing in on Haitian nationals.

Last month Lincoln Bain, leader of COI, along with his supporters protested outside the Office of the Prime Minister to present a letter that gave the government 14 days to implement a list of suggestions to tackle illegal immigration in the country.

At the time, the group said failure to implement the suggestion would lead to Bahamians being called to “occupy” Parliament Square. Yesterday was a result of the government’s failure to comply.

Shortly around 10am, the group held a “peaceful” protest along Parliament Street to address what Mr Bain deems a “60-year-old issue”.

However, the protestors were later redirected by police to Rawson Square.


“The Bahamian people have gathered here today because we are fed-up and tired of waiting (on) the government to deal with the 60-year-old issue and that is the issue of illegal immigration in our land,” Mr Bain told reporters yesterday in Rawson Square.

“The problem is not just illegal immigration, because the same network that facilitates illegal immigration facilitates the proliferation of crime. It facilitates the proliferation of guns and drugs into our society. It is facilitating the proliferation of Haitian gangs in our country.”

He added: “When will enough be enough? When will the government realise that we have to close the door?”

Mr Bain insisted that there will be “no future” for the country if the Davis administration fails to tackle the illegal immigration matter.

Protesters sang the Bahamian national anthem and chanted “Brave got to go” outside of the House of Assembly.

The political activist denied claims that his primary focus was on persons of Haitian descent. However, Mr Bain said that the group’s intentions are specifically geared towards the “crisis”, which he suggested is due to a specific group of people.

He said: “We are concerned about illegal immigration, however, there is a crisis right now where we’re being flooded and overrun.

“People on the Family Islands including members of Parliament are saying there's a crisis and they need help.”

During his contribution in the House of Assembly yesterday, Immigration Minister Keith Bell said that in a democratic society people have a “qualified right to assemble and peacefully protest”.

However, Mr Bell urged Bahamians to “let sanity prevail”.

“We are a country of laws and the maintenance of law and order must remain a cornerstone of our country,” Mr Bell said yesterday in the House of Assembly.

“Xenophobia has no place in The Bahamas nor does the arbitrary harassment of any person on the basis of any perception as to their nationality. To those doing it—stop!”