Mount Carmel School’s Theatre Club presents ‘True Colors’

02, Feb 2023

Mount Carmel School’s Theatre Club presented “True Colors,” an original jukebox musical, at the Pacific Islands Club Charley’s Cabaret on Jan. 27 and 28. The musical, about a girl on the nonverbal end of the autism spectrum who tries to find her place and her voice in a new school, was a huge success with standing-room only, sold-out performances, raving reviews, and an audience that loved the show. With incredible acting, signing, and dancing, the cast delivered amazing performances, and with an innovative production design, the crew set the stage for a one-of-a-kind production. So, it comes as no surprise that, as with many previous productions from the school’s Theatre Club, everyone laughed, everyone cried, and everyone was inspired.

Photos by Rommel Buenaflor

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The show was directed by senior and Theatre Club veteran, Kyla Monique B. Cabrera, who delivered the opening prologue.

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Bernice Shane Sabino played the lead role of Iris with an incredible voice and an expressive face that helped communicate emotions for her nonverbal character. In this scene, the audience learns more about Iris’s internal world as she sings “A Million Dreams.”

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Bernice Shane Sabino, center, finds her place in the school’s Theatre Club, led by Ally, played by Kinamarie M. Dela Cruz, second from right, and filled with colorful characters like Kyle, played by Brent Matthew Estacio Ortizo, far right, Kim, played by Jill Anne Mallari, far left, and Kin, played by Manuel Jacinto M. Pangelinan. Here, they comfort Iris by singing “It’s OK” together.

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Brissa Concepcion Hunter plays the show’s main villain, Regina, who bullies Iris and others along with her court of Mean Girls. Here, she sings “7 Rings.”

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Brissa Concepcion Hunter, far left, as the show’s main villain, Regina, joins the stage with her court of mean girls, from left, Karol, played by Maili Ilareyo'l Borja Peter, Kara, played by Moeisha Eleanor F. Cruz, and Karen, played by Kayannie Ilifighár Borja Peter

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Regina, played by Brissa Concepcion Hunter, front, leads her court of Mean Girls in singing “7 Rings.”

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Iris, played by Bernice Shane Sabino, left, meets her love interest in the show, Luke, played by Eunkyu "Joey" Hong, as they sing “Rewrite the Stars.”

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Iris, played by Bernice Shane Sabino, left, meets her love interest in the show, Luke, played by Eunkyu "Joey" Hong, as they sing “Rewrite the Stars.”

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Iris, played by Bernice Shane Sabino, right, comforts her love interest in the show, Luke, played by Eunkyu "Joey" Hong, as she sings “Fix You.”

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Iris, played by Bernice Shane Sabino, stands in a beautiful silhouette as part of the show’s light design for the signature performance of “This is Me.”

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The cast and crew take a bow after an amazing performance before a standing-room only, sold-out audience.

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The lead cast members of the show gather with their director after curtain call. Front row: Bernice Shane Sabino, right, as Iris, Eunkyu "Joey" Hong as Luke, and Jill Anne Mallari as Kim. Second row, from left to right: Manuel Jacinto M. Pangelinan as Kin, Brent Matthew Estacio Ortizo  as Kyle, Kinamarie M. Dela Cruz as Ally, director Kyla Monique B. Cabrera, Brissa Concepcion Hunter as Regina, Kayannie Ilifighár Borja Peter as Karen, Moeisha Eleanor F. Cruz as Kara, and Maili Ilareyo'l Borja Peter as Karol.

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Director Kyla Monique B. Cabrera, center, with the show’s writer and producer, Galvin Deleon Guerrero, EdD, right, and his wife, Velma Deleon Guerrero.

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Affectionately called by students the Single Letter Mentors for “V,” “Z,” and “G,” AlumKnights and Theatre Club veterans/advisers Victoria Deleon Guerrero, center, Zeno Deleon Guerrero, left of center, and Galvin Deleon Guerrero, far left, lead students in a prayer before the start of the show.

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Calling all the shots and keeping the show together was Stage Manager Chealzka Navarro, right, who, with the help of tech crew members like Mingi Jung, coordinated an elaborate sound and light design that contributed to the show’s innovative production design.

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During intermission before a full house, Theatre Club adviser and show writer and producer, Galvin Deleon Guerrero, EdD, center, congratulates the parents of Eunkyu "Joey" Hong, who played Luke, giving their son “two thumbs up” for his performance, as Deleon Guerrero’s wife, Velma, left, looks on.

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