Over a third of Italians wasting less food - Coldiretti - Lifestyle

02, Feb 2023

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 2 - Over a third of Italian people, 35%, have cut down on the amount of food they waste, farmers' association Coldiretti said on Thursday.
    It said high inflation rates and soaring gas bills are among the factors driving the change, which is good for the environment as it means natural resources are better used.
    Coldiretti will offer people advice on how to reduce food waste when it holds a series of farmers' markets on Saturday, starting with an event at Rome's Circus Maximusm, in view of national food-waste prevention day on Sunday.
    "The fight against waste starts with the (choices made with the) shopping basket and ends with the rediscovery of day-after dishes, which make the most of leftovers and help to conserve and pass on the culinary traditions of the past to new generations," said Coldiretti. (ANSA).